Source code for labelord.web

"""Web module

This module holds web application logic.

import click
import flask
import os
import sys
import time

from .constants import NO_WEBHOOK_SECRET_RETURN
from .helpers import create_config, extract_repos
from .github import GitHub, GitHubError

[docs]class LabelordChange: """Labelord Change This class describes one change within web application and provides method to check its validity. Initializing an instance will set its action, name, color and old_name. It will also set the timestamp to current time. Example: .. testcode:: import time import labelord change = labelord.web.LabelordChange('created', 'Bug', 'FF0000') .. doctest:: >>> change.action 'created' >>> 'Bug' >>> change.color 'FF0000' >>> change.old_name >>> type(change.timestamp) <class 'int'> Args: action (str): Action performed (created, edited, deleted). name (str): Label name. color (str): Label color. new_name (Optional[str]): New label name, default: None. """ CHANGE_TIMEOUT = 10 """int: Timeout for a change.""" def __init__(self, action, name, color, new_name=None): self.action = action = name self.color = None if action == 'deleted' else color self.old_name = new_name self.timestamp = int(time.time()) @property def tuple(self): """Formats change into a tuple This method makes a representation of the change in the form of a tuple. Example: .. testcode:: import time import labelord change = labelord.web.LabelordChange('created', 'Bug', 'FF0000') .. doctest:: >>> change.tuple ('created', 'Bug', 'FF0000', None) Returns: tuple: Labelord change (action, label name, label color, label new name). """ return self.action,, self.color, self.old_name def __eq__(self, other): return self.tuple == other.tuple
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Tests change validity This method checks whether given change is valid using timeout. Example: .. testcode:: import time import labelord change = labelord.web.LabelordChange('created', 'Bug', 'FF0000') .. doctest:: >>> change.is_valid() True Returns: bool: Whether the change is valid. """ return self.timestamp > (int(time.time()) - self.CHANGE_TIMEOUT)
[docs]class LabelordWeb(flask.Flask): """Labelord web application This class holds web application logic. Initializing an instance will load application's configuration, obtain GitHub class instance for communicating with GitHub API and initialize a dictionary of ignores (valid changes for given repository). It will also call the base class' constructor passing any additional arguments. Example: .. testcode:: import labelord app = labelord.web.LabelordWeb(None, None, import_name = '') .. doctest:: >>> app.ignores {} Args: labelord_config (configparser.ConfigParser): Parsed configuration object. github (GitHub): GitHub class instance. args (list): Additional arguments for base class. kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments for base class. """ def __init__(self, labelord_config, github, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.labelord_config = labelord_config self.github = github self.ignores = {}
[docs] def inject_session(self, session): """Sets new session for communitation with GitHub API This method passes new session to the GitHub class instance. Args: session (requests.Session): Session to inject. """ self.github.set_session(session)
[docs] def reload_config(self): """Reloads application's configuration This method reloads application's configuration including GitHub API token. """ config_filename = os.environ.get('LABELORD_CONFIG', None) self.labelord_config = create_config( token=os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN', None), config_filename=config_filename ) self._check_config() self.github.token = self.labelord_config.get('github', 'token')
@property def repos(self): """Gets GitHub repositories This method extracts GitHub repositories from the application's configuration. Returns: list: List of GitHub repositories. """ return extract_repos(flask.current_app.labelord_config) def _check_config(self): if not self.labelord_config.has_option('github', 'token'): click.echo('No GitHub token has been provided', err=True) sys.exit(NO_GH_TOKEN_RETURN) if not self.labelord_config.has_section('repos'): click.echo('No repositories specification has been found', err=True) sys.exit(NO_REPOS_SPEC_RETURN) if not self.labelord_config.has_option('github', 'webhook_secret'): click.echo('No webhook secret has been provided', err=True) sys.exit(NO_WEBHOOK_SECRET_RETURN) def _init_error_handlers(self): from werkzeug.exceptions import default_exceptions for code in default_exceptions: self.errorhandler(code)(LabelordWeb._error_page)
[docs] def finish_setup(self): """Finalizes application's setup This method checks application's configuration and performs error handlers initialization. """ self._check_config() self._init_error_handlers()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_app(config=None, github=None): """Creates web application This method performs configuration loading including GitHub API token and creates labelord web application. Example: .. testcode:: import labelord app = labelord.web.LabelordWeb.create_app() .. doctest:: >>> type(app) <class 'labelord.web.LabelordWeb'> Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): Parsed configuration object. github (GitHub): GitHub class instance. Returns: LabelordWeb: labelord web application instance """ cfg = config or create_config( token=os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN', None), config_filename=os.getenv('LABELORD_CONFIG', None) ) gh = github or GitHub('') # dummy, but will be checked later gh.token = cfg.get('github', 'token', fallback='') return LabelordWeb(cfg, gh, import_name=__name__)
@staticmethod def _error_page(error): return flask.render_template('error.html', error=error), error.code
[docs] def cleanup_ignores(self): """Cleans up invalid changes This method checks lists of changes for every GitHub repository and removes those changes which are not valid. Example: .. testcode:: import labelord valid_change = labelord.web.LabelordChange('created', 'Bug', 'FF0000') invalid_change = labelord.web.LabelordChange('deleted', 'Bug', 'FF0000') invalid_change.timestamp -= 20 app = labelord.web.LabelordWeb(None, None, import_name = '') app.ignores['User/Repo'] = [valid_change, invalid_change] app.cleanup_ignores() .. doctest:: >>> len(app.ignores['User/Repo']) 1 >>> app.ignores['User/Repo'][0].action 'created' """ for repo in self.ignores: self.ignores[repo] = [c for c in self.ignores[repo] if c.is_valid()]
[docs] def process_label_webhook_create(self, label, repo): """Processes 'created' change This method processes a create label action made by the user. Args: label (dict): Created label's name and color. repo (str): Repository to create label in. """ self.github.create_label(repo, label['name'], label['color'])
[docs] def process_label_webhook_delete(self, label, repo): """Processes 'deleted' change This method processes a remove label action made by the user. Args: label (dict): Deleted label's name and color. repo (str): Repository to delete label from. """ self.github.delete_label(repo, label['name'])
[docs] def process_label_webhook_edit(self, label, repo, changes): """Processes 'edited' change This method processes an update label action made by the user. Args: label (dict): Updated label's new name and color. repo (str): Repository to update label in. changes (dict): Contains updated label's old name. """ name = old_name = label['name'] color = label['color'] if 'name' in changes: old_name = changes['name']['from'] self.github.update_label(repo, name, color, old_name)
[docs] def process_label_webhook(self, data): """Processes user action on label This method processes webhook and extracts change made by the user. Then it passes this change for further processing. Args: data (dict): Webhook data. """ self.cleanup_ignores() action = data['action'] label = data['label'] repo = data['repository']['full_name'] 'Processing LABEL webhook event with action {} from {} ' 'with label {}'.format(action, repo, label) ) if repo not in self.repos: return # This repo is not being allowed in this app change = LabelordChange(action, label['name'], label['color']) if action == 'edited' and 'name' in data['changes']: change.new_name = label['name'] = data['changes']['name']['from'] if repo in self.ignores and change in self.ignores[repo]: self.ignores[repo].remove(change) return # This change was initiated by this service for r in self.repos: if r == repo: continue if r not in self.ignores: self.ignores[r] = [] self.ignores[r].append(change) try: if action == 'created': self.process_label_webhook_create(label, r) elif action == 'deleted': self.process_label_webhook_delete(label, r) elif action == 'edited': self.process_label_webhook_edit(label, r, data['changes']) except GitHubError: pass # Ignore GitHub errors
app = LabelordWeb.create_app()
[docs]@app.before_first_request def finalize_setup(): """Finalizes application's setup This function makes sure that application's setup is finalized before the first request. """ flask.current_app.finish_setup()
[docs]@app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def index(): """Processes GET request This function processes any GET requests incoming to '/' and renders HTML template with a list of GitHub repositories. """ repos = flask.current_app.repos return flask.render_template('index.html', repos=repos)
[docs]@app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def hook_accept(): """Processes POST request This function processes any POST requests incoming to '/', verifies webhook signature, extracts webhook events and passes them for further processing. Returns: str: Empty string. """ headers = flask.request.headers signature = headers.get('X-Hub-Signature', '') event = headers.get('X-GitHub-Event', '') data = flask.request.get_json() if not flask.current_app.github.webhook_verify_signature(, signature, flask.current_app.labelord_config.get('github', 'webhook_secret') ): flask.abort(401) if event == 'label': if data['repository']['full_name'] not in flask.current_app.repos: flask.abort(400, 'Repository is not allowed in application') flask.current_app.process_label_webhook(data) return '' if event == 'ping':'Accepting PING webhook event') return '' flask.abort(400, 'Event not supported')